
I learned late in life what many people had suspected. My brain did not function in a "normal" manner. I was not like the other children. My brain does not let go of neural pathways in the way it "should", instead of letting the superfluous ones die it retains many of them. So to speak, it remains spongy.

This has some disadvantages over the neurotypical brain, perhaps the greatest being that external inputs can often be more overwhelming, there is no filtering out the brightness of that red scarf, the sound of the air-conditioning, the side conversations in the meeting, the door being repeatedly opened, the bass of the car stereo parked almost out of earshot.

There are some advantages with an atypical brain, perhaps the greatest of these being that (given the space to think) there are many more internal pathways in existence, allowing for a "broader" picture and for the existence of paths between apparently "unrelated" facts. When you are hard wired such that you see everything as joined in some way, innovations are likely to happen.

This brain has led me to misunderstand the world around me, and to either hide that, or ask a lot of "obvious" questions about "normality" that when answered can provoke a change (if you are willing to make it).

This has carried on in to the media I create and support, while I can deliver something that ticks the correct boxes, I am at my happiest helping you take paths outside of those ticked boxes. to find what could exist outside of them.