
At the base of each page in this site is a link to my LinkedIn profile Chris Chinn.

Please connect with me on LinkedIn, let me know how and why my site leads you to me, and we can begin progressing your ideas and ventures. LinkedIn will give you a broad Business view of me.

If you do not have a LinkedIn profile, we should talk about getting you one, and you can use the form on this link instead, I will get back to you by email as soon as I can.

To those who just had autoplay forced on you, sorry if you jumped. There are a number of ways I can get a video to automatically play when a page opens (but various browser settings, preferences and versions can still prevent this).

A caution on autoplay, it can have impact, but it may already have put you off coming back to this page again (I keep this in mind and use it sparingly). I wonder how many just press the big LinkedIn button?