Media Services

Films and clips.

I can deliver a wide range of video types and services to help promote your ideas, projects and services; or to directly deliver the film you have in your head but can not produce yourself.

These can be any combination of filmed video, stock video, stills, animation, stop motion, music, voice, and text and video special effects.

Most media work will be explored as a project (following the joint ethos laid out under Vision). However, I can provide quick turn around promotional videos of 30 to 90 seconds at a fixed cost of between £50 and £150. These are based on a marketing brief, advert text and logo all being provided by you in advance, and using stock clips/images/music.

Live streaming.

I can deliver a range of live stream broadcast services including preparation, support and delivery. This can range from webinars with professionally pre-recorded content, to completely live panels. It is possible for some live "external broadcasting" to take place from a central location with good wifi or mobile data access.

As with films, each stream event or series will be explored as a project (following the joint ethos laid out under Vision), Unlike films, I do not offer an off the shelf package, however 3rd sector organisations can arrange for live streaming at an agreed time if they cover direct costs and expenses (this does not include "external broadcasting").

Managed Zoom meeting.

I can manage a Zoom call on your behalf, including registration, delivery of pre-recorded content, breakout rooms, polls and recording for up to 100 viewers or 30 active participants.

As with films and livestream, each meeting or series will be explored as a project (following the joint ethos laid out under Vision), I can provide a basic fixed cost service (subject to availability) for £100 for a 1 hour meeting for up to 16 people. This service includes creating a scheduled meeting, opening the meeting 5 minutes before time, monitoring the meeting, acting as the meetings technical host, making a recording of the meeting and placing a secure copy of the meeting on Vimeo for 3 months. Invitations, speaker and participant management will be provided by you and this does not include "broadcasting" content.

Graphics and marketing material.

In addition to films and 2D animations I can create graphics such as logos, backdrops, 2D graphics and 3D text effects. I am also able to provide basic online surveys and the creation and hosting of small online CRM databases.

As with all other services, each brief will be explored as a project (following the joint ethos laid out under Vision), I can provide a basic 2D line image and text logo for £40. These are based on a marketing brief provided by you in advance, the image will be created from scratch and you will be cleared for all copyright and royalty free use of that logo and parts thereof.