
I did a little pop art to accompany this.

The inspiration comes from the imagery of the spaghetti western, the trope of the silent stranger, riding in to save the day. I like a bit of spaghetti and my guns are definitely for hire (but I'd like to stick around for some coffee and rebuild the town too).

Every meeting or connection has the potential for a new venture, a great relationship or a surprising outcome to occur... serendipity. Potential exist all around, for new ideas, innovations and disruptions.

Only by creating opportunities can we create connections, and increase the chance of serendipity. Growth in knowledge, opportunity and creativity increase exponentially.

I don't just deliver a service, all my services and connections are engaged. I invest in your idea, project or venture with my heart as well as my broad skill set.

I am interuptable, I give some of myself out of a fascination in seeing what happens.

Our partnership can be through profit share, a stake, monetary payment, a return investment in my ideas. projects and ventures, or by a combination of these.

I do provide some entirely pro bono and at cost services (with retained copyright) to 3rd sector/small start up organisations. I often develop lasting friendships with those I work with and support.

No bullshit, no racism, no sexism, no elitism; if you are passionate, believe in your ideas, roll up your sleeves, invest yourself, I can be there for you.